
Maria Moritz

What is your position at Mokoh Music?
Music Researcher / Office Management

How do you spell Music?

Which “earworm” usually gets stuck in your head?
Shake it off by Taylor Swift – My love for pop got the best of me

What is your favorite album, song, or artist?
Birdy –  Fire within Album
Die Antwoord – I Fink U Freeky

To what beat / speed beats your heart?
My heart beats differently every day.

For what commercial would you have liked to have chosen or produced the music for?
This girl can – Sport England

What does your city sound like?
Cool, fun, offbeat

Who or what inspires you?
My family lets me see the world from another perspective.

For what brand would you really like to do the music for?
I am a sucker for the John Lewis commercials.

What was the strangest request you have ever received?
To work for MOKOH Music.

Can you tell us a personal secret of yours?
I can’t sing.

What are the challenges of your job and for the years to come?
Dealing with the boss and dealing with the boss ;-).

What is your biggest wish?
To work with the biggest brands and names in music business.